Zirconia Crowns in Turkey

Meet with zirconia crowns in Turkey concept with special solutions of Excellent Smile Turkey. A crown is the ideal solution if your teeth have worn down over time, if a big cavity has formed, or when your current teeth are irregularly formed, or when you are unhappy with their overall look.

Dental Crowns are made by placing a tooth-shaped cap on top of a damaged region and cementing it in place. Dental crowns are a valuable tool in the restorative and aesthetic dentist’s toolbox and have been used in human dentistry for a very long time. People who required a tooth crowned had to choose a gold alloy or similar malleable metal up to the early 20th century.

What is Zirconia?
Zirconia dioxide is used to create zirconia restorations. The tetragonal crystalline characteristics of monolithic Zirconia, utilized for dental restorations, contribute to its extraordinary strength. The all-ceramic material is resistant to wear and tough to break and does not require any unsightly metal underpinning for support.

Different Types of Zirconia Crowns
Zirconium dental crowns have several applications in restorative and aesthetic dentistry. This sort of cap is becoming increasingly popular due to its superior strength and longevity.

Monolithic Zirconium crowns
This dental ceramic comprises zirconium oxide, which makes it nearly indestructible. This exceptionally tough porcelain is resistant to cracks, fractures, and stains. It may be tinted to match your teeth; however, it is quite opaque. Monolithic restorations are best positioned at the rear of the mouth due to their unsightly opacity.

CAD/ CAM milling is used to create these monolithic restorations. These little pieces of art are made by giant machines using digital data created by the technician. Excellent Smile Turkey has this pricey milling equipment which is typically found only in big production dentistry facilities. Small boutique laboratories are obliged to outsource these restorations which result in a situation that imposes an unfair excess price for the patients. At Excellent Smile Turkey, you have the chance to get the highest quality zirconium crowns at the most reasonable price without overpaying for them. Get in touch with us for a quote now.

Layered zirconium crowns
Layered restorations, as the name implies, are created using layered lithium disilicate ceramic on top of the coping. These multilayer porcelains provide the genuine translucence required for front-of-mouth restorations. The top layered ceramic is applied in the same manner as in ips e.Max Crown variants.

These variants have strong cores covered in delicate, reflective porcelain coatings. The manner the ceramist makes the cap affects its strength and appearance. A master ceramist at Excellent Smile Turkey’s in-house lab will create stunning restorations.
Due to the material’s hardness, changes are more challenging when it comes to providing these new caps.

Which Type of Cap is Best for You?
Several variables will influence which type is best for you. These criteria include where it will be placed in your mouth, the ailment being treated, as well as your individual lifestyle and budget. All-porcelain versions, for example, have the finest esthetics because the material used to build them contains silica, which reflects light in the same way that genuine tooth enamel does.

Traditional all-porcelain caps can chip, fracture, and discolor with time, especially if subjected to severe strain or stress. Furthermore, certain types of porcelain caps, such as those produced of feldspathic ceramic, need the talents of a master ceramist and are a more expensive option.

Disadvantages of each of the Zirconia crown types
Each type of Zirconia crown has drawbacks. Zirconia oxide is less transparent than other forms of porcelain, such e.Max. Their usage may be restricted to bridges and crowns on the back teeth due to their opacity.

Learn which zirconia-based crowns are best for you. If you are interested in Zirconia restorations, please contact us at +90 535 244 2841 to organize a free consultation.

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